German City
GaCheon terraced paddy field
Boriam Hermitage
SoChi pension
Rape blossom blooming DuMo town 두모마을
Just like other places in NamHae, the most common view you can find in DuMo town are rocks, Canola, and garlic.
Address: NamHaeGoon SangJuMyun YangAhRo 533 road number 18 남해군 상주면 양아로533번길 18
Silver powder sprinkled-like SangJu silversand beach 상주 은모래비치
Address: GyeongsangNamDo NamHaeGun SangJuMyun SangJuRi 1136-1
MiJoHang OhRyukDo Sushi place 미조항 오륙도횟집
MiJoHang is a port located at the southernmost part of NamHae. It is a place that makes you feel harder to spot a special restaurant since numerous number of seafood restaurants are built in a row. Fortunately, we were able to find a place named OhRyukDo Sushi Place and were able to taste a very mouth-watering cold raw fish soup. To compare the cold raw fish soup at a famous sushi place in Busan, we ordered the same menu.
We were able to feel that different kinds of grated fruits were added and how well the sauce of the soup was marinated.
The taste was excellent, the raw fish was fresh, and the texture of chewing some edible bone with the raw fish was also perfect. Personally, I liked it better with buckwheat noodles than with rice.
Address: GyeongSangNamDo NamHaeGoon MiJoMyun MiJoRi 111-2 (경상남도 남해군 미조면 미조리 111-2)
Boriam Hermitage 보리암
We were able to find the popular place, Boriam Hermitage which is included in the 3 main praying sites in Korea that believers look for everyday. The three praying sites are the following: GangWonDo NakSanSa HongYunAm, GyeongGi GangHwaDo Bomunsa temple and the Boriam hermitage.
It is known to exhibit vast praying power as there is an existing anecdote saying that the founder, Lee SungGye established Joseon right after doing the hundred day prayer.
Lotus lantern filled the sky since only few weeks were left before the Buddha arrives, may 6
Grand rocks and back view of Boriham hermitage will be seen as you reach the top of Geumsan located at the back of Boriam.
I'm very certain that stunning shots will be taken if one could stay in this area during sunrise.
Flounder SsukGuk and sparkling wine – GyeongPo Sushi place 경포횟집
We visited the GyeongPo sushi place because it was just beside our lodge. Although there are of course more and trustworthy restaurants if we run on road for 40 minutes to MiJo port, we decided to visit this place seeing that there is an advantage where we could enjoy wine comfortably.
In fact, they also accepted two or more orders for Flounder SsukGuk. But I bargained by ordering 60000 worth of assorted raw fish and an order of Flounder SsukGuk which was all in all 80000 won.
Entirely, the seafood here delivered a neat feeling. It wasn't plenty but the taste was satisfactory.
Address: GyeongSangNamDo NamHaeGoon NamMyun SeokGyoRi 348-4 (경상남도 남해군 남면 석교리 348-4)