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Peter Pan 1978, a bakery that has been in buniness for over 40 years.
 | 서울먹거리
最終更新日 : 2020/05/21

旅行地域 : South Korea
 | 閲覧数 : 53438

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 32 | 2020:05:13 12:26:16 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

It's easy to find because it's at the corner of a crossroad.

Because the weather is nice, the outdoor photo of the bakery look good. I can't wait to see what kind of unique bread there is.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 50 | 2020:05:13 12:28:53 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

There are various kinds of bread, cakes, and coffe drinks on the first floor as expected. It's smaller than I expected, but I like it because it feels comfy.

Let's see what kind of bread they have.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 32 | 2020:05:13 13:09:27 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

Cute bread names.

Ang-butter seems to be popular these days, I thought it was a kind of butter, but it's actually red bean paste and butter together.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 40 | 2020:05:13 13:09:40 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

I saw a bread called Angel Shiffon.

I think it's too much to eat alone, so I'll just have a quick coffee today.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 40 | 2020:05:13 13:09:15 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

Sandwiches for a good meal. They look fresh and nice.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 50 | 2020:05:13 13:10:25 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

Cakes on display are more light than fancy, and yet not shabby.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 80 | 2020:05:13 12:36:09 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

Most of the customers here seem to be packing, but they have second floor decorated as a cafe.

iPhone 11 | f/1.8 | iso 50 | 2020:05:13 12:36:37 | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode | 4.25mm

I ordered 'Figs and Sweet Potatoes', which is famous in this bakery, and a cup of cold brew coffee.

Red bean paste plus butter is like oriental taste plus western taste. The bread is hard on the outside, but soft inside.

Sweet potatoes feel like they fill my stomach in a good way, like I'm eathing a sweet potato pizza.

The coffee didn't feel very special, but doesn't matter. Breads are more important, haha.

Peter Pan 1978 is open all year round.

25 minutes walk from exit 3 of Hongik University Station.

I recommend you this bakery if you are looking for a vintage bakery.


Address: 90-5 Yeonhui-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

빵집, 연희동, 피터팬, 피터팬1978, year, 1978, bread, store, yunhee, 서울, seoul, korea
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@plextor 요즘은 떡,콩나물,해물.. 잡다한것 많이 넣는데.. 원래는 당근,양파,감자죠~ 특히 감자가 또 닭고기와 삐까하게 별미담당하죠~ 아.. 요즘 감자 맛 좋을 때인데.. 감자 때려넣고 닭볶아보까요~~~
@louis.... 치킨은 진리요 세상의 전부인데... 닭볶음탕은 저렴하고 푸짐하고 맛도 좋긴하죠. 저도 밥 비며먹을려고 국물 넉넉하게 만들어요.
캬아.. 닭볶음탕은 졸졸~졸여서 감자를 으깨서 밥과같이 비벼먹는게 제맛이죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
사실 개인적으로는 치킨보다는 닭볶음탕을 더 좋아하는데, 이 글 읽으시는 분들... 닭만 먹지 마시고, 저 아까운 국물을 밥에 비벼서 먹으면 정말 맛있으니 남기지 마시기 바랍니다.^^