한국의 맛과멋 in LnW Korea. 열심히 하겠습니다!

Look and Walk Korea
안녕하세요! 룩앤웍입니다! 이제부터 마니!머니!와 함께 여행을 떠나볼까요?
28 | 297046

Begining beta test of LookandWalk app for iOS and Android!
 | 마니머니
Last Modified : 2016/05/10

Travel regions : South Korea
 | Hits : 16115
Additional languages :  한국어 (韓國語) English

We finally begin the beta test of our app for iOS and Android from today!

Hopefully there's no much bugs to kill :D

If you see anything wrong, please comment on this article or write on Q&A.

LookandWalk, app, 룩앤워크, 앱, 베타, beta
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