This festival is held every year in April amongst the beautiful green barley fields of the Gochang-gun region. The Gochang Green Barley Field Festival is the region’s most popular festival and was visited by over 550,000 tourists in 2008. The festival celebrates the region’s plentiful 'barley', and visitors can take part in activities such as making flutes out of barley and searching for hidden treasures in the barley fields. A visit to the festival is also a good opportunity to see Seonunsan Provincial Park and Gochangeupseong Fortress, as well as sampling the pungcheon jangeo (eel), which is a regional delicacy.
Period04.19.2014 ~ 05.11.2014
AddressHagwon Farm, Gongeum-myeon, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do
전라북도 고창군 공음면 학원농장길 (공음면)
LocationHakwon Tourism Farm area
Telephone• 1330 tt call center: +82-63-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

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