Bonghwa Eun-uh (Sweet Smelt) Festival, held in Bonghwa-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, offers numerous participatory programs including sweet smelt fishing, underwater race and quiz show. Sweet smelt fishing, the festival’s highlight, is held two times a day during the week, and three times on Saturdays. Winners of the underwater race and the quiz show will receive local specialty products as prizes. Moreover, there are several educational and cultural programs including a freshwater fish exhibition featuring trout and other species, a sweet smelt ecology center where visitors can observe the natural environment that the fish live in, the Korean Currency Museum, Bonghwa tourist photo center, sweet smelt painting, ceramic, hanji (Korean traditional paper) handicraft, and stone inscription.
07.26.2014 ~ 08.02.2014
Bonghwa-eup, Bonghwa-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do
경북 봉화군 봉화읍
Naeseongcheon Stream area
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-679-6321~3 (Korean)
Referred from : KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION (http://visitkorea.or.kr)