Gyeryong-si, a city with a rich military history, is where the military’s tri-service headquarters are located. Every October, Gyeryong-si City hosts the Military Culture Festival promoting peace and harmony in the world while touting the military culture and history entrenched in the city. The festival has become one of the largest national defense security events in the country, with over 1 million annual visitors. The festival is also a popular place for teenagers to learn and experience what national defense and security is like.
The 2012 Gyeryong Military Culture Festival, taking place from October 10th to the 14th, will satisfy visitors in every aspect by offering diverse programs and events representing the strength and power of Korea’s military forces and culture. For teenagers especially, the festival will be a great opportunity to train both their mind and body through military life experience programs and other national security programs. For adults, this festival will offer an insightful look into Korea’s unique military culture.
10.01.2014 ~ 10.05.2014
Sindoan-myeon, Gyeryong-si, Chungcheongnam-do
충남 계룡시 두마면
Gyeryongdae (계룡대) &
Eomsa-myeon (엄사면) area
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-42-840-2675 (Korean)
Referred to : KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION http://visitkorea.or.kr